Amateur Martial Association
AMA is the largest multi-style martial arts organisation in the UK and is the Governing Body for thousands of Clubs and its Members. It provies insurance, affiliation to NGB's & membership to World bodies.
For more information, please click on the logo above to be taken to their website.

The Safeguarding code
The Safeguarding Code in Martial Arts recognises clubs or providers in England who have demonstrated that they have reached and maintained good safeguarding standards. This ‘mark’ allows parents, carers and educational establishments to clearly identity who has successfully signed up to the Safeguarding Code.
For more information, please click on the logo above to be taken to their website.

World Union of Karate-Do Federations
The purpose of WUKF is to regulate, spread and foster Karate in the world from an educational, cultural and sports point of view by promoting Karate ethics, technical seminars, championships and all that is necessary to encourage the spreading of Karate-Do all over the world.
For more information, please click on the logo above to be taken to their website.